…is always somewhere down the line.

Writingfix is the online home/workshop/shed of Josephine Scicluna and Patrick Van Der Werf. You will find within current projects, in practice and theory, beginning with the first outputs of our ongoing Lyrebird project which you will find down the train line into the forest.  Some of the projects that will go up are joint projects, some will be for me (or me) alone.  Others will be collaborations. We have both come to the conclusion that collaboration across disciplines is where creativity lives without dark lonesome thoughts.  So far we have worked with composer, musician & sound artist Tom Kazas; actor David Adamson;  radio producer, media designer & sound artist, John Jacobs; documentary filmmaker & media designer, Tony Hood; and sound designer Daniel Dewar. We invite interest from others too.




And we are collaborating on this…

Somehow our very different writings coalesce around the idea of Place.  It is entirely possible that our site will be a repository of visual/sound/word images of places and the shadows that live there.